automatic pool covers


These covers are intended for daily use and also can be used as a winter cover. We at TC Pools are here to dispel the myth that swimming pools can be a lot of upkeep. Well honestly, they can be, but with the proper pool equipment and chemicals they don‘t have to be. Keep in mind pools are in no way like a self-cleaning oven, however, with an automatic cover they may be just as convenient. By not having and using an automatic cover your pool may require the extra maintenance, constant attention, and up keep that pools have been generally associated with. A pool owner with a new pool cover can potentially see a 90% reduction in evaporation, 70% reduction in heating costs, and a 70% reduction in chemical usage. A cover helps seal out unwanted items such as leaves, dirt, pets and other foreign objects, while keeping in heat, chemicals, and water. pool with auto cover

With an automatic cover system you will be able to:
Save Money By

  • Reducing heating cost’s
  • Reducing chemical usage
  • Reducing evaporation which saves money on heat, chemicals and water
  • Extending pool equipment life expectancy
Save on time
  • spent cleaning the pool
  • easy pool access (no manual labor)
Have a safer pool
  • Provides an “horizontal fence”
  • Secured access

The upfront costs of an automatic cover are easily justified and can be re-accrued in a short time. Because of these reasons TC Pools highly recommends adding an automatic pool cover to your existing or new pool purchase. Because of their superior engineering and standards, TC Pools sells and highly recommends autocovers from Automatic Pool Covers (APC) and Coverstar.

automatic pool covers logo                       coverstar logo

To those pool owners who desire the near maintenance free pool, a pool without a cover can be compared to a house with-out a roof. Most importantly however is the fact that a cover acts as a “horizontal fence” for your pool, which helps keep your loved ones SAFE.

cover switch Coverstars cover system comes with a locking weather-proof switch for secured access no matter where the switch is located. cover switch 2

Among the several colors and fabric weights available, there are also many custom colors that are also available from Coverstar.
switch 2 Automatic Pool Covers (APC) AutoGuard™ system utilizes SmartMotion™ control technology. Also available is APC’s PowerTouch keypad operation. auto pool cover keypad
There are several colors available from APC. color options

We at TC Pools are always here to help. From material options and accessories, to installation and warranty questions, our technicians can help you choose the perfect automatic pool cover - at the lowest price available, and with fast delivery and installation.

For a free consultation, please call us at 320-286-3467, or fill out our contact form here.

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